TVEMA confirms its reputation in the BALTIC
States Modern trends of quality management systems and foreign experience shows that the independence and objectivity of the results of the control and diagnostics can be achieved only in case of division operation and diagnostics, and perform control in the form of an external technical audit.
From September 28 to October 8, 2015 specialists of TVEMA has performed continuous monitoring of rails in service conditions on sections of Estonian Railways and two private railways: Edelaraudtee and Kaevandused. Just mobile laboratory LDM-1 combined course checked 947 kilometers, which were detected defective rails, including defects in head, neck, soles of the rail, and also by defects in electric and aluminothermal welded joints. All control and diagnostic activities were undertaken in the framework of the service contract and in accordance with agreed calendar.
The audit findings were discussed at an expanded meeting in the Directorate of infrastructure JSC "Estonian Railways" on October 9 in Tallinn, to which were invited representatives of the Railways of Latvia and Lithuania, as well as private Railways of the countries of the Baltic region. In addition to the report on the work done by the representatives of JSC "Firma TVEMA" presented at the meeting of innovative diagnostic tools manufactured by the company, and told about the experience of their operation.
Also for the meeting was shown the technology of nondestructive testing of rails with the use of mobile laboratories LDM-1 at the test section of track with artificial models of defects in rails. Without exception they were found mobile laboratory and confirmed by a local monitoring flaw detector "ECHO-PULSE", also produced by the company TVEMA.
In the review on the service rendered the customer, JSC "Estonian Railways", in particular, noted that the specifications defectoscopes lab equipment LDM-1 will implement a new, more efficient control technology that helps detect rail flaws at an early stage of development. It was also emphasized that innovative solutions and technologies implemented by JSC "Firma TVEMA" in the manufacture of diagnostic systems and complexes, help to minimize their operation when the influence of "human factor" and get significant economic effect. Also the customer appreciated the professionalism of TVEMA’s specialists in their diagnostic work.