Metrological support

TVEMA not only develops and manufactures modern technical tools for monitoring the railway track and railway infrastructure facilities, but also provides the entire range of services necessary to ensure a reliable and long-term operation of these facilities.




Due to the availability of its own specialized metrology laboratory, the measuring instruments produced by TVEMA receive metrological support at all stages of their life cycle: from release to end of life shelf,  with the issuance of appropriate certificates to customers. Measuring instruments coming for repair and maintenance are also verified and calibrated.


Our laboratory is accredited according to the international standard GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009. It is staffed by highly qualified certified specialists and equipped with modern measuring and testing equipment.


TVEMA metrology laboratory provides the following services:


Control of mass and dimension parameters of rolling stock:


- compliance of the rolling stock with the dimension requirements;


- correspondence of mass, train car axle and side load distribution.


Verification and calibration of non-destructive testing equipment:


- ultrasonic flaw detectors;


- flaw detector equipment of mobile non-destructive testing equipment;


- piezoelectric transducers (PET).


Verification and calibration of measuring equipment for railways:


- track measuring trolley;


- track measuring systems;


- systems for measuring the parameters of the overhead line.


Verification and calibration of geometric, thermal and electrical measuring systems.




- Ensures the independence and objectivity of control results.


Scope of application


The network of railways and metros of the Russian Federation.