TVEMA strengthens the partnership between Russia and China

For the second time TVEMA as a part of a delegation from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation took part in the International Exhibition for Logistics, Mobility, IT and Supply Chain Management – «Transport Logistic China» – which was held from 14 to 16 June, 2016 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. Russia’s participating in the exhibition as a partner country was the most important feature distinguishing this exhibition from the previous ones.
Full range of products for transport, logistics, e-commerce, warehouses, material processing, cargo and passengers transportation sectors was presented at the Exhibition. «Transport Logistic China» brought together more than 600 exhibitors from 48 countries, which made it the premier industry event in the Asian Region. The exhibition was seen by over 22 thousand guests from 65 countries. Russia – one of the largest trade partners of China – was presented by collective stand.
Prior to Russian President’s Vladimir V. Putin visit to China, Vladimir Sokolov, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, led our delegation at the Forum. Ministry of Transport’s exhibition booth exposed Russian companies presenting all types of transport in Russia. TVEMA’s delegation was headed by Vladimir Tarabrin, General Director of the Company.
Company’s products were exhibited at the exposition of the Federal Railways Agency of the Russian Federation, which delegation was headed by Igor Mitsuk, Chief of the Agency. TVEMA presented its innovative products in the sphere of railway infrastructure safety. Particular interest of specialists and audience was given to Company’s collaborative Russian-Chinese development – diagnostic automobile railway car Railway LAB Ultrasonic Test TVEMA 70, which in the days of the Forum had been already commenced the work on Pekin metropolitan’s diagnostics.
During its meeting with Russian booth’s exhibitors Vladimir Sokolov mentioned, that high-level of the Forum held out the hope for fruitful cooperation between Russia and China for the improvement of transport infrastructure in our countries. In talk with our company management the Minister noted that nowadays TVEMA is one of the Russian companies realizing such cooperation and would be fully supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and JSC “RZD”.
During the exhibition representatives of our Company held several business meetings with participants of Russian delegation and leaders of China’s metropolitan and railways.
The Company’s management believes that promoting Chinese partners into Russian infrastructure projects will give a powerful impetus to further develop and consolidate cooperation and partnership between our countries.