The "DRED" in Chongqing Metro
Despite of an ongoing pandemic and unpredictable Moscow frosts, this year 2021 started off well and the work is in full swing! In February took place the dispatch of the DRED mobile system for diagnostics of infrastructure purpose-made for The Chongqing Rail Transit (Chongqing Metro). This is the second such mobile system, the first one works successfully in PRC since late 2019.
DRED’s main differences from similar vehicles are portability, little weight, ability to split the ring-bridge structure into five component parts for transportation in the back of a pickup truck or a car trailer, the use of an environmentally friendly and economic electric motor.
DRED mobile system allows to perform diagnosis of small sections of railway track and provides hardware and software recording of diagnosed areas’ control data for long-term storage with the possibility of subsequent analysis.
DRED works in all weather conditions, and its configurations allow to perform diagnosis on railways with different track gauges.